Sunday, August 1, 2010

You're amazing just the way you are

Hello the big 2-0. 

I've come to officially join the rapidly aging group! They always say, once you're twenty, the years are gonna creep up to you really quickly! I love birthdays, and I love how special they'd always make you feel. It's like a special pass given to you on this day, to let you get away with being a bitch, a grump, a princess. Yes, I'm rather liking the last. With all my heart, I appreciate every single birthday wish on facebook, text, twitter, etc. I appreciate Scandal gang for coming down to celebrate my birthday with me, and counting down, and for the awesome company (as always) and the birthday gift! And lastly, to the person who fulfilled the one wish that I've been hoping to hear for four years now, something that I casually mentioned and didn't expect for it to come true. I wish I can say its just another song, but to me its not, the meaning of the song transcends beyond anything anyone would ever know. Maybe this time it'll be different. Maybe...


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