Sunday, October 17, 2010

Honey, take me home

Have you ever felt like sometimes you try too hard to be strong? We try as hard to block some things out of our mind, but we can't run away from it forever. It comes knocking back on our doors, sometimes harder than the first. The more you pretend its non-existence, the harder you fall when you realise you can't anymore. 

Why can't we just slip into depression, instead of putting up a strong front everyday? Does this little act of pretense help to gradually convince us to believe that we are okay? We will be, eventually, I'm sure of it. But I am tired. Sick and tired of trying so hard to be strong when all I want to do is to fall apart. Every fiber of me is worn out, drained. Why am I running away from what I'm feeling inside? 

I am tired and I really don't want to be strong anymore.

“I’ve realised that I am the problem. It doesn’t matter where I am or who I spend the day with, because I cannot escape myself.”


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