Friday, October 29, 2010


Present day relationships in itself is an art to master. Gone are the days where it's love at first sight, and you know you're meant to be for life and the next step is marriage. In present days, a lot of factors come into play in determining the span of a relationship. Sure you can say love surpasses all and if its true love, all these are just bullshit. But with societal changes, people tend to hanker after different things with each stage of their life. I mean, people are also becoming increasingly open about relationships. Commitment becomes a thing to be toyed with. 

Present day relationships need a lot of work and attention to maintain it. It may seem tiring to outsiders, but when you're in it, it doesn't become so much of a chore. It's more like, I'm doing it because I want to, not because I have to. That's only of course if two people are in love. You need to learn how to maintain that balance in your life. Nothing teaches you more about balance than being in relationships. You tip the scale a little more towards something, you lose the other. Unless you have a superhuman partner who's doing the exact same thing, or is especially magnanimous about this. 

I am hardly worried about anything else in my life. Work worries are fleeting and superficial. Problems closer to the heart are my Achilles heel. To me it's my inner support system. It's the thing that keeps me going when the world decides to go against me, to make the tough get going. And this is what gets to me most. To me, this is the first step to success. Once you have a stable family behind you, your core support system, there is nothing you can't achieve.

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