Monday, December 20, 2010

Waiting outside the lines

The boy's back from Cheenaland with gifts! The bear is really really adorable and he says its here to accompany me when he can't. Aww, plus the bear looks like him with the chocolate tan and all. He's really sweet to get me all the cute little gifts but the best one of them all, is him being safely home. :)

Its 5 days to Christmas! I'm barely feeling the festive season with my poor hoarse throat! My throat has never been so hoarse for so long. I want to enjoy all the yummy Christmas food! I need to feel the Christmas cheer... afterall its my favourite holiday of the year and I gotta wait another 365 days for this wonderful season after this has past. More Christmas songs and shopping perhaps!

I went walking aimlessly for about an hour yesterday, trying to sort my thoughts out after a very unhappy event. I tried answering the questions that kept whirling in my mind. Alas, I can't give a certain answer to those questions and put those nasty thoughts to rest. I wish I knew His bigger picture, His plan. But I know, right now, all I gotta do is to have faith. Lots of faith, and hope, that the voice in my head will be right.


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