Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Fable of the Porcupine

The Fable of the Porcupine

It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together to keep warm. This way they covered and protected themselves; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions. 

After awhile, they decided to distance themselves one from the other and they began to die, alone and frozen. So they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth. 

Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. They learned to live with the little wounds caused by the close relationship with their companions in order to receive the heat that came from the others. This way they were able to survive. 

The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of others and can admire the other person's good qualities. 

The moral of the story is: 

Just learn to live with the little pricks in your life!


Learning to live with the little pricks in my life taught me how to be more patient, more enduring and forgiving, and to also learn how to let go. It is never easy to overcome, and even harder to learn. It took a lot of tears, pain and heartaches, but after a while, you'll realise how useful it is in life. In every relationship there's friction, and in every person, our own habits and idiosyncrasies. It's how we work them out, compromise, and eventually be stronger together that matters. The pricks are the hurt and the pain we have to endure, to better understand and deepen our feelings for each other. 

I came across this passage on FB, and found it strangely applicable to a situation in my life right now. Still reeling from the hurt, but at the very least, we now know how much we want each other, and how we want to grow stronger; understanding each other. <3 

I hope this little passage would help all those who has had their hearts hurt, but hang on, and believe :)



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