Saturday, June 15, 2013

Keep calm and walk on

These are my favourite pictures from the last photo shoot with my dear Fiona from Smittenpixels! Sadly, I was battling my random fever and pushed myself for this photo shoot to keep L&E going despite all that I was physically feeling, and I felt like I was modelling below my expectations for this lookbook. Coupled by the fact that I couldn't shoot at my ideal location because of the rules & regulations which highly pissed a fatigued and sick girl to the point that I wasn't functioning well at all.

For those of you who've had the opportunity to do an outdoor shoot, would empathise with me on the availability of picturesque locations in Singapore that aren't overly used in wedding or blogshop shoots. I try as much to refrain from using highly iconic structures like Singapore Flyer etc (unless it's white colonial buildings, I love them!!) and try to be as innovative as I can while avoiding places that have been shot at obsessively... but this is Singapore. How far can I run? :( Plus, the weather & humidity can get unbearable at times. Nearly fainted once at a shoot at Punggol because of the extreme heat!

I feel this need to always try to meet my expectations with everything I do in Lace & Ebony, and believe me, I have high expectations (and often get disappointed). But I am also a realist, meaning I know some things are not possible and I know how to let go instead of nitpicking at every little thing and be an annoying perfectionist prick. Haha! It'll be really great if I can shoot indoors at a little cafe with some lovely decor... but it all boils down to one thing - $$. Cafes/restaurants/hotels/themed places in Singapore, sponsors, anyone? :)

Thank you everyone who's purchased a Lace & Ebony's exclusive piece. It really really makes me happy, and pushes me to keep going no matter what. I'll keep working hard for sure!

Choosing a road less travelled means more treacherous paths with plenty of obstacles. We have to constantly remind ourselves why we chose to walk this path, find the reason within, the fire that ignites the passion, and walk on bravely.

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