Sunday, March 3, 2013

Vanity in a Trove: February Edition

If you've been keeping up with Lace & Ebony's Facebook page, you'd know that we've been collaborating VanityTrove last year, and so much more this year! So thankful to be able to work together with them, and to have them believe in us (Lace & Ebony) and create opportunities for beauty & fashion to work together. Afterall, beauty & fashion does go together to create a wholesome look for women!  

Thanks to VanityTrove, I've gotten the February Trove and am going to introduce you to the products that are featured in the Trove this month!! (: So happy because I love receiving troves! The surprises and the miniature products that we get to try out excites me very much :D

VanityTrove has introduced a new Vanitymag inside their troves. It's a miniature magazine that includes information about the products in each month's troves, beauty & fashion tips from bloggers, or even updates on online shops. Oh yes, and vouchers as well! It varies every month, according to the theme set out for it. The magazine is beautifully designed in my opinion. It's handy and very easy to read. I would dedicatedly read through mine before checking out the products in the box, taking time to have a glimpse on the products that are in the month's trove. After reading it... I wish there was more! Like, it'll be so cool if it can be a full fledged magazine filled with beauty tutorials and all teehee! Something like the beauty section of ViVi magazines!

Here's a peek on how my February Trove looks like. Quite a lot of products for just $25 a month! 

This is one of the items found in this month's trove! If you know Kiehl's, you'd know that their items can get quite pricey, so having this in your trove is really quite a steal! Sadly I don't have dark spots at the moment, so I can't really review this... Will probably pass this on to my mom! 

Here are the other trial-sized products that are included! 
(L-R) Oxygen Serum from Phytomer, Origins Anti-aging Serum (again, this is for my mom!), GabaNite Drink Relaxer, and Jorubi Aloe Vera Gel. 

I love the Jorubi Aloe Vera Gel! It's an multi-purpose healing gel that helps pimples, sunburns, and ulcers! I remember using it for ulcers when I was younger. It really works for pimples as well. It doesn't entirely dissolve the pimple, but greatly helps to calm the redness down. The Oxygen Serum from Phytomer suits my skin type, so I'm eager to try that! (:

Also included is a Yuan Soup which has lots of beneficial purposes. Pretty cute!

One of my favourites in the February Trove has to be the DKNY Pure scent! I love the light, floral rose scent. It isn't very musky or overpowering, and honestly, just the way I like it! Comes in handy too because I like experimenting with different scents on different days :P The picture below shows only half a bottle left because I've been using it since I've gotten it, teehee.

My other favourite item is the Soymilk Enzyme Mask from Lovemore! I love collecting masks because they come in so handy to rejuvenate the skin before bedtime, and you'll wake up to a refreshed complexion the next day. Because of my (at times) hectic and busy schedules, I end up sleeping at odd hours, so sheet masks really helps to make my tired skin less dull. Can't wait to try this mask soon!

EDIT: Tried the Soymilk Enzyme Mask and I was amazed to what I woke up to! No kidding! My pores were visibly minimised and it felt so much smoothing looking. Not many masks I've tried could help me to achieve it. I am now really tempted to get more of the mask. It smelled very good too! Sweet... kinda like ice-cream. :P

Thank you VanityTrove once again for sponsoring February's trove! Loving it! Also, look out for more collaborations between us, and features in the Vanitymag in the coming months! March & April's... *hinthint* :D

Click here to sign up for your VanityTrove today!

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